Conference Portal, Education, Peace, and Equity International Conference 2024 (EPE 2024)

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From Equal Access to Equitable Outcomes: Insights on Teachers' Experiences and Preparedness in the Educational Journey of Refugee Children in Algeria
Sarra Boukhari

Last modified: 2024-09-16


The integration of refugee children into national education systems poses complex challenges, particularly in achieving true educational equity. This study examines the educational experiences of refugee students in two distinct school contexts within Algeria: an Arabophone school hosting Syrian and Palestinian refugees and a Francophone school hosting Sub-Saharan refugees. Utilising a qualitative case study approach, the research employs semi-structured interviews, classroom observations, and document analysis to uncover the critical barriers and facilitators affecting these students' educational success.

Key findings reveal that well-intentioned equality-based approaches often exacerbate inequities among refugee students. While schools provide uniform access to resources and opportunities, these measures fail to account for the diverse needs and backgrounds of refugee children. Social integration, trauma, teacher preparedness, language proficiency, and parental engagement emerge as pivotal factors influencing educational outcomes. This study addresses all of these factors, with a specific emphasis on teacher unpreparedness, drawing on data collected from teachers' experiences. Systemic issues such as a lack of specialised training, inadequate language support, and insufficient institutional resources continue to impede effective integration

The study highlights the paradox where equal treatment does not equate to equitable outcomes. Adopting trauma-informed practices, culturally responsive teaching are essential to address these disparities. Recent literature supports the need for inclusive education policies, enhanced community outreach, and robust monitoring and evaluation frameworks to effectively support refugee students.

This research provides actionable recommendations for policymakers, educators, and stakeholders, emphasising the importance of tailored interventions over blanket equality measures. By addressing the specific needs of refugee students, schools can move towards achieving true educational equity, fostering social cohesion, and ensuring that refugee children receive the quality education they deserve.

Keywords: equitable education, refugee children; integration; teacher preparedness; social integration.