Conference Portal, Education, Peace, and Equity International Conference 2024 (EPE 2024)

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Roles of the International Organisations in the E&P
Georges Chaker Braidi

Last modified: 2024-09-18


Role of the International Organizations (IO) in the Education and Peace (E&P)ABSTRACTShort Introduction about the Link between the Education and Peace and vice versa.Types and Roles of the IO: Affiliated directly/or Independent from the UN Advocacy and the Others. Their roles are the Promotion and Advocacy according to International Standards of Education inspired from the Principles of Human Rights and its Policies, also following the UNESCO’s directives and Policies. Restrictions and limitations imposed by the beneficiary communities based on the local Legislations, Policies, Customs and Traditions, or also erected by those Decision Maker and Local Politicians.The IO values in the implementation of the E&P mandate are according to the Universal Human Rights Declaration: Universal values, for All, Neutral, Independent, Impartial, for Unity with Scientific and Methodology approaches.The Framework and Mechanism of the IO is to maintain the dynamic link with its Head Quarter from one side and the delivery to the Beneficiary Community for the quality and the progress of the delivery from the other side, also for the feedback of the Beneficiary Community. The Beneficiary community has certain obligations like to facilitate the implementation of the E&P plans at administrative and or Logistical level reflecting the permanent and solid trust for the IO.Sometimes, the IO is facing some challenges when the beneficiary community hesitates to agree, or it accepts with suspicious new ideas or new Education orientation. The best target groups and the first concerned communities for the IO in the implementation of the E&P values are the young People (Schools, Colleges and other Education Centers) with the Tolerance based approaches; families and Local NGO’s and Clubs.  Conclusions and Recommendations: The IO are playing a pivotal role in the E&P to creating large space for Peace, with Happiness and Love of Life.