Conference Portal, Education, Peace, and Equity International Conference 2024 (EPE 2024)

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Narrative Learning and Minority Representation: Analyzing Kurdish Studies Textbooks in Early Education within the Kurdistan Region of Iraq
Mustafa Wshyar

Last modified: 2024-09-16


This study examines the Kurdish Studies textbooks used in the first three years of schooling in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq, with a focus on the stories included in the curriculum. By analyzing these narratives through the lens of narrative learning theory, the study aims to explore how these stories contribute to social cohesion among students. The primary goal is to uncover what students are taught, but also to identify significant gaps in their education, particularly regarding the representation of minority groups within the Kurdistan Region. This analysis seeks to shed light on the implicit messages students receive about their society and other minorities withing the same society, and the potential impact on their understanding of diverse communities.


Key words:

Textbook, Kurdistan Region, stories, narrative learning, social cohesion, Kurdish Studies