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Mahmood, Mohammad M., <span>Geography Department,</span><span>Faculty</span><span> of Arts ,Soran University ,Kurdistan Region of Iraq.</span>
Malik, Muhammad J., Department of Geography, College of Education for Humanities,Mosul of  university ,Iraq .
Mohammed, Ganjo Kh., <span>Department of Geography, Faculty of Education, Koya University, Kurdistan Region, Iraq</span>
Mohammed, Mohammed W., Department of Geography, college of Humanities, University of Raparin,Kurdistan Region of Iraq.
Mohammedamin, Hemin N., Geography Department, Colleg of Human Science , Garmian University, Kurdistan Region, Iraq
Mohammedamin, Hero N., Geography Department, Colleg of Human Science , University of Sulaimani, Kurdistan Region, Iraq
Muhammed, Bnar H., Geography Department, Colleg of Human Science , Garmian University, Kurdistan Region, Iraq

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