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Hama, Abdullah A., Research center of Technical College of Health, Sulaimani Polytechnic University, Kurdistan region
Hamad, Ibrahim O., Department of Mathematics, College of Science, Salahaddin University, Kurdistan Region
Hamad, Nali J., Department of Geography, Faculty of Education, Koya Univeristy, Kurdistan region
Hamadameen, Abdulqader O., Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science and Health, Koya University, Kurdistan Region
Hamadamin, Rawaz R., Department of Bsic Education, Faculty of Education, Koya Univeristy, Kurdistan region
Hasan, Ayad H., Department of Medical Microbiology, Faculty of Science and Health, Koya University, Kurdistan Region
Hashim, Fadel A., Department of Materials Engineering, University of Technology, Baghdad
Hassan, Ahmad M., Department of Petroleum-Drilling and Refining, Kurdistan Technical Institute, Kurdistan Region
Hassan, Rebin M., Department of Mathematics, College of Basic Education, University of Raparin, Kurdistan Region
Hummadi, Parween A., Department of Mathematics, College of Education, Salahaddin University, Kurdistan Region
Hussen, Shahen S., Department of Radiology, Koya Technical Institute, Erbil Polytechnic University, Kurdistan Region

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