
Conference Objectives

Facilitate Interdisciplinary Dialogue: Foster an environment where scholars, practitioners, policymakers, and stakeholders from diverse fields such as education, psychology, sociology, political science, and international development can come together to exchange ideas, share best practices, and explore innovative approaches to addressing the complex challenges of providing education in conflict-affected societies.

Promote Evidence-Based Research and Practices: Provide a platform for presenting and discussing cutting-edge research, empirical findings, and evidence-based practices that illuminate the role of education in mitigating conflict, fostering peacebuilding, promoting social cohesion, and empowering communities in conflict-affected settings. Encourage presenters to share insights into effective pedagogical methods, curriculum development, teacher training, and educational policies tailored to the unique needs and contexts of conflict-affected populations.

Foster Partnerships and Collaboration: Facilitate networking opportunities and foster collaboration among academia, NGOs, international organizations, governments, local communities, and other relevant stakeholders to strengthen synergies, leverage resources, and develop sustainable solutions for enhancing access to quality education, promoting human rights, fostering resilience, and supporting long-term development and peacebuilding efforts in conflict-affected societies. Encourage participants to identify potential areas for joint research, advocacy initiatives, capacity-building programs, and policy interventions aimed at advancing the education agenda in conflict-affected contexts.


Conference Chairs

  1. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mohammed H. S. Zangana, President, Koya University, Kurdistan Region, Iraq. (Honorary Chair - KOU).
  2. Professor Dr. David Barr, Head of School of Education, Ulster University, UK (Honorary Chair - Ulster University).
  3. Prof. Dr. Kelsey Shanks, UNESCO Chair in Education for Peace-building and Human Rights; British Academy Bilateral Chair in Education in Conflict and Crisis, Ulster University, UK (Co-chair).
  4. Adjunct Prof. Dr. Sherko Kirmanj, Koya University, Kurdistan Region, Iraq; British Academy Bilateral Chair in Education, Conflict and Crisis, Ulster University, UK. (Co-chair).
  5. Prof. Dr. Safin Jalal Fathulla, Dean of Faculty of Education, Koya University, Kurdistan Region, Iraq. (Co-Chair - KOU).


Conference Themes and Subthemes

  1. Methodological Approaches to Education Research in Contexts of Crisis and Conflict.
  2. Forced Displacement and Education Equity.
  3. Higher Education in Times of Crisis and Conflict.
  4. Education and Inclusion.
  5. Women’s and Girls’ Education Through a Social Justice Lens.
  6. Public vs. Private Sector Debates in Education in Crisis and Conflict.
  7. Equitable Pedagogies and Contextually Relevant Praxis.

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