Conference Locations
Koya University
Koya University.
University Park, Danielle Mitterrand Boulevard, Koya KOY45
Kurdistan Region, Iraq-
The Presidency Hall-1 (PH1)
The Presidency Main Hall would host the conference opening and closure ceremonies. (The Presidency of Koya University Building, Ground Floor)
The Presidency Hall-2 (PH2)
This hall is at the Presidecy Building-Ground Floor and is dedicated for paper-sessions: PS.1, PS3, PS.5.
The Presidency Hall-3 (PH3)
This hall is at the Presidecy Building-Ground Floor and is dedicated for paper-sessions: PS.2, PS4, PS.6.
Coffee Break
The coffee breaks will be at the lobby of the Presidency Halls.
The Presidency Hall-1 (PH1)
Conference Schedule
09:00 AM
- Registration
10:30 AM
- Opening Ceremony
11:00 AM
Keynote Speeches:
Keynote Speeches by:
Rasem Badran, Dar Al-Omran (DAO), Jordan
Ghada Al-Silq, DOCOMOMO, Iraq
12:30 PM
- Lunch
02:30 PM
Parallel Paper Sessions:
PS1: Heritage, Reconstruction and Politics
Chair: Jorge Correia, University of Minho, Portugal
EAHN Representative
Hall: Presidency Hall2 (PH2)
Representing heritage and power
Ula Abd Ali Khalel Merie, University of Babylon, Iraq
On the edge: How the Istanbul canal project threatens the water heritage of the city
Nesrin Erdogan, Middle East Technical University, Turkey;
Orcun Sena Saracoglu, Orta Doĝu Teknik Üniversita, Ankara, Turkey
Architects’ attitudes toward heritage during the reconstruction phases from postwar planning to recent times: Plymouth, Coventry, and Canterbury
Dlara Naqi, University of Kent, UK
Towards a cultural heritage reconstruction strategy in the ancient city of postwar Aleppo
Ligia Nunes, Universidade Lusófona do Porto (ULP), Portugal;
Yara Aboasfour, Universidade Lusófona do Porto (ULP), Portugal
Q&A Discussion and the Closure of Session
PS 2: Heritage: Documentation, Maintenance, and Management
Chair: Zainab Bahrani, Columbia University, USA
Representative of Columbia University
Hall: Presidency Hall3 (PH3)HBIMM: Advanced management of Syrian architectural rural heritage
Salah Hajismail, Yıldırım Beyazıt University, Turkey
A new project for the archaeological site of Sarqala (KRG, Iraq): Combining research, preservation, enhancement, and public archaeology
Luca Colliva, Missione Storico Archeologica Italiana in Kurdistan (MiSAK), Università di Bologna, Italy;
Salih Mohammed Sameen, Garmian Antiquities Directorate, Kurdistan Region, Iraq
The misused maintenance in heritage buildings conservation
Mohammed Al-Hasani, Ministry of construction, housing &Municipalities, Iraq
Repurposing cultural heritage buildings as tourist attractions
Nareen Rauf, University of Kurdistan Hewlêr, Kurdistan Region, Iraq
Q&A Discussion and closure of session
04:30 PM
- Coffee Break
09:00 AM
- Registration
10:30 AM
- Keynote Speech: Abdullah Khorsheed, The Iraqi Institute for the Conservation of Antiquities and Heritage (IICAH), Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq
11:00 AM
Parallel Paper Sessions:
PS3: Heritage and Urban Threats
Chair: Belgin Turan Özkaya, Middle East Technical University, Turkey
EAHN Member
Hall: Presidency Hall2 (PH2)
Heritage and the challenge of losing buffer-zone: Mawlawi street
Karzan Jalal Saadoon, University of Sulaimani, Kurdistan Region, Iraq
Raz Saeed faraj, University of Sulaimani, Kurdistan Region, Iraq
Van Sardar Namiq, Tishk International University, Kurdistan Region, Iraq
Sarhand Khalid Rasul, Alumni of Koya University, Kurdistan Region, Iraq
Exploring the potential resiliencies of traditional urban fabric: Bazaar area in Sulaimani
Hoshyar Qadir Rasul, Sulaimani Polytechnic University (SPU), Kurdistan Region, Iraq
Wafa Anwar Sulaiman, Duhok University, Kurdistan Region, Iraq
The impact of urban extensions on heritage buildings: Al-Al-Bayt University in Baghdad
Shaymaa Alkubaissy, Koya University, Kurdistan Region, Iraq
The effect of the architectural intervention on the deformation of the heritage urban scene: Sulaimani city
Yousor Muhammad, University of Sulaimani, Kurdistan Region, Iraq
Raz Saeed Faraj, University of Sulaimani, Kurdistan Region, Iraq
Q&A Discussion and closure of session
PS4: Heritage in Conflict and Post-Conflict Areas
Chair: Panayotis Tournikiotis, National Technical University of Athens, Greece
EAHN Vice-President
Hall: Presidency Hall3 (PH3)War Aesthetics
Nerma Cridge, Architectural Association School of Architecture, UKLandscapes of culture, heritage, and conflicts in the Swedish Million Programs
Chero Eliassi, Royal Institute of Technology, KTH, SwedenBeirut’s heritage fabric after the explosion and the cultural fight for existentiality
Paula Abu Harb, Wormhole Architecture, BBHR20 member, LebanonPost-Anfal villages: Koya city hinterland after the dark ages
Lenka Starkova, University of West Bohemia, Czech Republic
Q&A Discussion and closure of session
01:00 PM
- Lunch
03:00 PM
Parallel Paper Sessions:
PS5: Heritage, Memory, and Identity
Chair: Wezha H. Bayz, Koya University, Kurdistan Region, Iraq
Head of the Department of Architectural Engeneering
Hall: Presidency Hall2 (PH2)
Koshks as key features of the threatened architectural identity of Old Mosul City
Ali Haider Al-Jameel, Nawroz University, Kurdistan Region, Iraq
Eman Khalid Al-Moula, University of Mosul, Iraq
Rana Mahfoodh Hamid, University of Mosul, Iraq
Mosul's brick minarets: The Al-Hadbaa Minaret, distinguished features
Mumtaz Aldewachi, University of Mosul, IraqTangible and intangible links between heritage places in Koya city
Zamwa Radha Mohammed, University of Sulaimani, Kurdistan Region, Iraq
Raz Saed Faraj, University of Sulaimani, Kurdistan Region, IraqNomadic pastoralism in the KRG: Intangible cultural heritage in danger
Michaël Thevenin, URMIS - Paris University, IFPO (French institute of the Near East), France
Q&A Discussion and closure of Session
PS6: Koya Old Town: Heritage and Restoration
Chair: Sahar Al-Qaisi, Koya University, Kurdistan Region, Iraq
Director of the Heritage Conservation Research Program (HCRP)
Hall: Presidency Hall3 (PH3)Architecture as a manifestation of prosperity and order: Ottoman built environment in Koya
Karel Novacek, Palacký University Olomouc, Czech Republic
Hemin Naman Kawes, Koya Department of Antiquity Service, Kurdistan Region, Iraq
Trade buildings as witnesses of cultural exchange: The Mahmud Agha Khan, Koya and the Qaisariya al-Khayyatin, Erbil
Anne Mollenhauer, Goethe University, Frankfurt, GermanyThe Mahmud Agha Khan in Koya: Reflections on the limits and potentials of a restoration project
Andreas Hoffschildt, Architectural Office of Klessing Hoffschildt Architects, Germany
Koya Department of Antiquity Service, Kurdistan Region, Iraq
The deteriorated heritage buildings in Koya: The case of the local, late Ottoman khan of Mahmood Agha
Ayat Qasim, Alumni of Koya University, Kurdistan Region, Iraq
Sahar izzat, Alumni of Koya University, Kurdistan Region, Iraq
Vian Namiq, Alumni of Koya University, Kurdistan Region, IraqQ&A Discussion and closure of session
05:00 PM
- Keynote Speech: Panayotis Tournikiotis, National Technical University of Athens, Greece
05:30 PM
- Closing Ceremony

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