Presentations and Authors

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General Papers

شیكردنەوەیەكی ژینگەیی بۆ تێكچوونی ڕووپۆشی زەوی دۆڵی ڕووباری سیروان لەسنوری قەزای كەلار بەپشت بەستن بە تەكنیكی (Remote Sensing) PAGES 28-40 | VIEW PDF
Hemin N. Mohammedamin, Bnar H. Muhammed, Hero N. Mohammedamin
التغييرات المناخية وأثرها على الأمن المائي في إقليم كوردستان العراق (تحليل جيوبولتيكي) PAGES 41-58 | VIEW PDF
Safin F. Jalal, Ganjo Kh. Mohammed
اثر المناخ على استهلاك الطاقة الكهربائية في محافظة اربيل للمدة 2008 الى 2018 PAGES 140-150 | VIEW PDF
Muhammad J. Malik
Using Object-Based Image Analysis approach for analyzing the impact of annual average change of climate elements on LULC change in northern of Sulaimani province PAGES 218-236 | VIEW PDF
Mohammed W. Mohammed, Salam M. Nasir, Sarkar H. Khdir
LU/LC changes and its impacts on land surface temperature in Erbil City in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq PAGES 237-252| VIEW PDF
Mohammad M. Mahmood


Third International Congress on Kurdish Studies is an open access conference organized by the Kurdish Institute of Paris in partnership with the Koya University and the University of Zakho, sponsored by the French Ministry of Higher Education & Scientific Research, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and Kurdistan Region's Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research (MHE-KRG).'' © 2019, Koya University is a public University accredited by the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research - KRG - Iraq, Association of Arab Universities and International Association of Universities.