Conference Portal, Education, Peace, and Equity International Conference 2024 (EPE 2024)

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The Cost-Benefits Analysis of Post-Secondary Education (PSE): A comparative Analysis of the spillover Impacts of higher education on development in Kurdistan Region and Taiwan
Mousa Tawfeeq

Last modified: 2024-09-17


There are many aspects of education; this study endeavors to identify how the quality of education, e.g., instructors and professors, has an impact on students” life and economic development. The primary question is how colleges and universities impact students’ long-term outcomes and economic development in the Kurdistan region? This study addresses that question by measuring Cost-Benefits (CBA) and Value- Added (VA) of higher education and it’s long-term impacts and outcomes. PSE has the Net Present Value (NPV) of individuals’ lifetime earnings by approximately $4,928,112 for two-year degree, $10,709,325 for four- year degree, and $15,900,612 for six-year education in 48 public and private post-secondary institutions in the Kurdistan region.

The findings show that the higher education stakeholders need to create an holistic and  strategic plan to form regional committees to prepare policymakers in developing long-run, robust, comprehensive, and coordinated strategies for post-secondary education that addresses three imperatives: (i) allocating more resources to develop post-secondary education; (ii) providing greater opportunities for good and professional instructors and faculties to make a difference in post-secondary education and (iii) uniting all stakeholders towards a common goal of elevating the economic prosperity of Kurdistan region. These findings address personal and public investments in post-secondary learning: educational policy, professional development, and facility efficiency. Kurdistan policymakers can position post-secondary education as a strategic asset for educational system that drives skills development, economic growth and advances economic stability for individuals, families, and the labor force in Kurdistan.

It is stated that high-quality education and professional instructors generate significant economic benefit and development for both students and the community. Thus, at the current time of unprecedented socio-economic challenges, the Kurdistan Region people and the government need to leverage PSE as a strategic capital rather than only a budgetary cost. PSE can have a long-term spillover effect of changes in the economic return for both Kurdistan and Iraq in the global economy.

Mousa Tawfeeq, Ph.D. *


**Kurdistan Region and Taiwan are two defacto regions in Asia and the Middel East.