Conference Portal, Education, Peace, and Equity International Conference 2024 (EPE 2024)

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Social Integration in Private Schools: Policies, Perceptions, and Student Experiences in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq
Sangar Y. Salih

Last modified: 2024-09-16



Sangar Y. Salih – Social Work Department/ Salahaddin University-Iraq

Khattab A. Sulaiman – Philosophy Department/ Salahaddin University-Iraq



This study examines the dynamics of social integration in the private schools in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq. It focuses on policies and mechanisms, the perception of educators and school staff, as well as the social integration experiences of students from different religious and ethnic groups. Three main questions are addressed: To what extent do private schools have specific policies and mechanisms to promote social integration among students from different religious and ethnic communities? Second, how do the perceptions of teachers and school staff contribute to or hinder the promotion of social integration among students? Finally, what is the reflection of social integration in the experiences of students from diverse groups? Data were collected through 23 semi-structured interviews with teachers and school staff, researchers and educational supervisors, as well as five focus group discussions with students. Thematic analysis will be used to analyze the dynamics of social integration in the schools. The findings of the study will provide significant clarity for policy makers, educators and school staff, and stakeholders with the aim of further promoting social integration within the school environment.


Key Words: Discrimination; Ethno-religious groups; Kurdistan Region; Private Schools; Social Integration;