EAHN-KOYA-HD2023 International EAHN Thematic Conference ‘Heritage in Danger’ February 20-21, 2023
Deadline for submitting abstracts has been extended to be on: September 15, 2022
Theme of the Conference If writing history is the “telling of stories” then heritage is what brings life to these stories! While the world mourns the destruction of the widely known Iraqi archaeological and heritage sites of Nimrud, Hatra, Sinjar and the old town of Mosul caused by the ISIS invasion in 2014-2017, other Iraqi archaeological and heritage sites in much safer zones were and still are underestimated and exposed to silent death via ongoing neglect and unchecked deterioration with a very limited capacity to safeguard them like in the case of Koya’s old town which reached its zenith during the Ottoman reign. The current critical situation of Ukraine's heritage sites, along with many other cases around the world which have faced threats like armed conflicts and wars, natural disasters, pollution, poaching, uncontrolled urbanization and unchecked tourist development were inscribed in the UNESCO’s List of World Heritage in Danger. Such as the case of the city of Bam in Iran that was struck by a major earthquake in 2004, and the case of the historic town of Zabid in Yemen where the heritage has seriously deteriorated and more than 40% of its buildings were replaced by new concrete ones (Yemen’s current civil war has worsened this situation even more). These examples reflect the wide range of threats that put heritage in danger and require special attention and corrective action. This two-day conference aims to explore various aspects of the threats that lead to heritage loss, along with the questions about how to save and protect cultural heritage through discussing and raising international awareness of the critical risks confronting cultural heritage and the devastating heritage loss around the world. The conference welcomes papers that address similar or other aspects of threats behind heritage loss all over the world and how to safeguard the cultural heritage and mitigate the threats. Abstracts should be submitted online via conference website only no later than September 15,2022; we will not accept abstracts that are sent via email. For further information please send your inquiries to the following address: eahn.hd2023@koyauniversity.org inquiries to the following address: eahn.hd2023@koyauniversity.org
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