Law and Justice
A series of international conferences in Law and justice
Criminal Justice and Law Sovereignty in Social Reform Institutions: Ambitions, Prospects, and Challenges
Education Peace Equity Conferences
A series of international conferences on Education, Peace and Equity
Education, Peace, and Equity International Conference 2024 (EPE 2024)
November 11, 2024 – November 12, 2024The Education, Peace, and Equity International Conference seeks to explore the role of education in conflict-affected contexts by bringing together researchers examining the past, present, and future role of education in strengthening the defences of peace.
Education provides the foundation for positive transformation within a society. Transforming education starts with a reaffirmation of education as a public good and the consequent requirement of guaranteeing the right to quality education for all. This transformation also includes the protection of places of learning and, most importantly, ensuring that education prepares learners not only for work but also strengthens solidarity, expands spaces for common human practices and experiences, and takes necessary action to achieve peaceful and sustainable societies. Protection of education in countries that have suffered from and remain fragile due to wars and ideological conflicts is essential. To inform socially just education systems, the provision for children and young people in contexts of conflict and protracted crises must be understood in relation to the wider social, economic, and political forces at play. To help realise peaceful, just, and sustainable societies, education must continuously adapt and engage with new challenges and complexities.
Organisers: Education, Peace, and Politics (EPP) Network in collaboration with Koya University, Ulster University, UNESCO
Petroleum Conferences Series
A series of international conferences on Petrolwum and Gas
3rd International Conference on Petroleum: Waste Management in Oil and Gas Industry
April 28, 2024 – April 30, 2024The series of the International Conference on Petroleum is organized by the Department of Petroleum Engineering at Koya University. The 3rd version of this conference; Waste Management in Oil and Gas Industry (WMOGI -2024) is organized by:
- Koya University, Koya, KRG - Iraq
- University of Basrah, Basrah - Iraq
- Missouri University for Science and Technology, Rolla, USA.
- President Jalal Talabani Foundation (PJTF), Sulaimanya, KRG –Iraq.
CONFERENCE PUBLICATIONSThe conference accepted papers will be published in the conference proceeding and the portal website, where a DOI will be assigned to to each paper.
Moreover, the conference can offer a publishing fee discount for the authors how like to publish their accepted papers in special issues of the MDPI publisher:1. Processes Journal; special issue on “Towards a Sustainable and More Environmentally Friendly Oil and Gas Industries."
2. Resources Journal; special issue on “Petroleum Waste Generation: Current and Future Trends in Management and Treatment."
3. ARO Journal; Selected papers can be accepted for submission to ARO-The Scientific Journal of Koya University. ARO Journal it is free of charge and has no APC.INTRODUCTION
Iraq, including the Kurdistan Region, boasts the world's fifth-largest proven crude oil reserves, standing at 145 billion barrels, which represents 17% of the Middle East's proved reserves and 8% of global reserves. As the second-largest crude oil producer in OPEC, following Saudi Arabia, Iraq witnesses various types of waste resulting from oil and gas production activities. These wastes encompass emission of polluted gasses, oil and sludge, chemicals, disposal of molecular sieves and catalysts, as well as general waste. The volume of waste generated depends on the extent of production and drilling activities, as well as the petroleum and gas industries. While some of these materials are inherently hazardous, effective management can help reduce their environmental impact. Building upon the success of the previous two conferences on petroleum, the organizers, namely Koya University, University of Basrah, Missouri University of Science and Technology, and the President Jalal Talabani Foundation, have decided to continue this significant series by hosting the 3rd International Conference on Petroleum: Waste Management in the Oil and Gas Industry at Koya University in 2024. This event receives support from the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, both from the federal government of Iraq and the Kurdistan Regional Government of Iraq. The conference aims to offer a platform for international participants, including academics, researchers, and industrial experts, to establish meaningful connections with organizations and professionals in this promising region. It serves as an avenue to foster research collaborations and training partnerships with Koya University and other educational institutions in the area.
Click here for online submission,
For more information or any request regarding the conference, you can send an email to:, always check spam in your email inbox for any missing notification.
Important dates:
Abstract submission starts: December 1, 2023
Abstract submission deadline: April 01, 2024
Conference date: April 28-30, 2024
Full paper submission deadline: June 17, 2024
Notification of revieweing results: July 15, 2024
Revised paper submission: August 19, 2024
Notification of final acceptance: September 23, 2024
A series of conferences in Geography
1st International Conference on Climate Changes and their Environmental Risks from a Geographical Perspective
If you already sign-in, use the below link to start submission
Start here to submit a paper to this conference.
Sustainable Architecture
A series of Conferences on Sustainable Architecture
3rd International Conference on Sustainable Architecture, Technology, and Architecture Education
October 29, 2023 – October 30, 2023
Resources Management
The Resources Management is a series of conferences that organized every 4 years by the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences at Koya University with the support of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research of the Kurdistan Region - Iraq.
2020 International Conference on Resources Management
May 6, 2022 – May 7, 2022The 2020 International Conference on Resources Management, May 06-07, 2022 in Koya, Koya University is the premier forum for the presentation of new advances and research results in the Resources Management. This conference is a prestigious event, organized to provide an international platform for academicians, researchers, managers, industrial participants and students to share their research findings with global experts.
Please check the and for further information.
Heritage in Danger: EAHN-KOYA-HD2023
This two-day conference is jointly organized by the European Architectural History Network (EAHN) and Koya University to be one of the EAHN thematic conferences for the year 2023. The theme of this conference is (Heritage in Danger), it aims to explore various aspects of the threats that lead to heritage loss, along with the questions about how to save and protect cultural heritage through discussing and raising international awareness of the critical risks confronting cultural heritage and the devastating heritage loss around the world.
This conference is generously co-sponsored by Columbia University with support from the Carnegie Foundation, and Koya University.
February 20, 2023 – February 21, 2023This two-day conference is jointly organized by the European Architectural History Network (EAHN) and Koya University to be one of the EAHN thematic conferences for the year 2023. The theme of this conference is (Heritage in Danger), it aims to explore various aspects of the threats that lead to heritage loss, along with the questions about how to save and protect cultural heritage through discussing and raising international awareness of the critical risks confronting cultural heritage and the devastating heritage loss around the world.
This conference is generously co-sponsored by Columbia University with support from the Carnegie Foundation, and Koya University.
Please check the Call for Papers and Overview for further information.Start here to submit a paper to this conference.
Physics Conferences
Physics conferences are a series of conferences that organised by the Department of Physics, Koya University, Kurdistan Region - F.R. Iraq
International Conference on Physics - ICOP 2020
September 20, 2020 – September 21, 20202020 International Conference on Physics (ICOP 2020) is organized by the Department of Physics in collaboration with the University of Kurdistan, Iran, and the University of Salahaddin-Erbil, Iraq. The conference will take place at Koya University on march 30th-31st, 2020, with support of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research of the Kurdistan Region-Iraq. The ICOP 2020 has the doi: 10.14500/icop2020. Start here to submit a paper to this conference:
Kurdish Studies
The series of Kurdish Studies conferences is organized biannually by the Koya University in collaboration with other worldwide Universities and Scientfic bodies and organization.
3rd International Congress of Kurdish Studies
November 1, 2019 – November 5, 2019The congress follows the first and second successful conferences (2006 and 2011), which were held in Erbil and Duhok and brought together a wide range of scholars working on Kurdish history, language and literature. The Third International Congress on Kurdish Studies will be held in a geopolitical context with tremendous social, political and economic upheavals, including the emergence and the defeat of ISIS, the Kurdish independence referendum, the autonomy in Syria’s Rojava, political turmoil in Turkey and the 40th anniversary of the Islamic revolution in Iran. While the congress seeks to address these dynamics and their implications as well as their representation in academic studies on Kurds and Kurdistan from different perspectives, the congress’s core aim is to present a state of the art of the Kurdish studies in different Western countries as well as in Kurdistan. In recent years, Kurdish Studies have experienced considerable developments with many PhD theses been successfully concluded on different topics related to the Kurdish history, language and society from social, political and gendered perspectives. Scholars in Kurdish studies have been motivated to look at different topics, ranging from new political opportunities in Rojava to constitutional rights in Iraqi Kurdistan, from forced displacement to gender relations and gendered violence and from the dynamics of urbanization to the formation of municipal authorities.
القانون والمجتمع
سلسلة مؤتمرات "القانون والمجتمع" تعقد كل سنتين من قبل قسم القانون في كلية العلوم الانسانية والاجتماعية، جامعة كوية
نحو دستور معاصر لإقليم كوردستان-العراق
November 27, 2019 – November 28, 2019يأتي هذا المؤتمر محاولة وجهد للمساهمة في وضع دستور لأقليم كوردستان، إذ ان أقليم كوردستان يتطلع الى مستقبل جديد قائم على الديموقراطية وسيادة القانون، ومما لاشك فيه فأن الدستور يعدّ وثيقة اساسية لقواعد وأركان الدولة الحديثة لا غنى عنها، ذلك لأنه يمثل أساس النظام السياسي من الناحيتين القانونية والسياسية، إذ ان الدستور قانوناً هو المصدر الأول للتشريعات كافة، وعليه ينبغي ان لا تتعارض أو تتداخل القوانين الصادرة من الدولة ومن السلطة التشريعية مع المرجع الأعلى الا وهو الدستو وسياسياً فأن الدستور يحدد هوية الدولة وشكلها ونوع الحكم فيها، وينظم عمل السلطات والمبدأ الحاكم في العلاقة بين السلطة التشريعية والسلطة التنفيذية والسلطة القضائية اعتماداً على نوع الحكم ، فضلاً عن حماية الحقوق والحريات للمواطنين كافة .
English Language and Culture
The English Language and Culture conference series is held binanually by the Department of English Language at the Faculty of Education and the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences at Koya University.
2019 International Conference on English Language and Culture
September 3, 2019 – September 4, 2019Language is at a nexus of interrelationships between individuals, society, literature and culture. English Language studies have broadly flourished to involve a wide range of theoretical frameworks from interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary fields like linguistics, psychology, sociology, folklore, anthropology, translation studies, literary studies, cultural studies, education, teaching and learning pedagogy, etcetera, thereby making its growth in multiple axes.
Koya on the Road of Civilization
The Koya on the Road of Civilization Conference is organized annually by Koya University on April with support of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research of the Kurdistan Region - Iraq.
Koya on the Road of Civilization, KRC 2019 International Conference
December 30, 2019 – December 31, 2019The International Conference of Koya Cultural Famous Figures is organized annually by Koya University; the theme of the 2019 fourth international conference of Koya Cultural Famous Figures is Koya on the Road of Civilization (KRC2019) which will be held on April 01-03 2019 at Koya University in the Kurdistan Region-Iraq. The KRC2019 has the doi: 10.14500/krc2019. Start here to submit a paper to this conference:
Pure and Applied Science
The Pure and Applied Science Conference is organized biannually by the Faculty of Science and Health at Koya University on April with support of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research of the Kurdistan Region - Iraq.
2018 International Conference on Pure and Applied Science
April 23, 2018 – April 24, 20182018 International Conference on Pure and Applied Science (ICPAS 2018) is organized annually by the Faculty of Science and Health at Koya University on April 23rd and 24th 2018 with support of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research of the Kurdistan Region-Iraq. the ICPAS 2018 has the doi: 10.14500/icpas2018. Start here to submit a paper to this conference: STEP ONE OF THE SUBMISSION PROCESS

Koya on the Road of Civilization Conferences are Open Access Conferences organized by Koya University and supported by the Ministery of Higher Education and Scientific Research (MHE-KRG). © 2019, Koya University is a public University accredited by the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research - KRG - Iraq, Association of Arab Universities and International Association of Universities.