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Thanoun Al-Abaji, Marwa L., Northern Technical University-Mosul Technical Institute, Mosul, Iraq
Tofiq, Peshraw S.
Turki, Hutheifa Yousif, University of anbar
Turki, Hutheifa Yousif, Department of English, College of Education for Humanities, University of Anbar, Ramadi


Yasin, Bushra R., Department of Geography,College of Education for Human Sciences ,university of Basrah,Iraq.
Yasin, Zahida A., Northern Technical University, Baghdad, Iraq.


Zangna, Ismail N., <p>Department of Law, College of Law, <span>Cihan University of Sulaymaniyah</span>, Kurdistan Region – F.R. Iraq<strong> </strong></p><p> </p><p> </p>

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