Presentations and Authors

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Methodological Approaches to Education Research in Contexts of Crisis and Conflict

The role of the kindergarten teacher of promoting peace concepts in kindergarten in the West Bank?
Mohammad Awwad

Forced Displacement and Education Equity

The Resilience Narratives and its Impact on the Future and Peacebuilding perceptions of the Young Syrian Refugees Recipients of the ‘Education in Emergencies’ Social-Emotional Learning Interventions.
Salahuddine Al Mugharbil
Education, Displacement, and Justice: An In-trans-formative Lens on Syria's Conflict
Roua Al Taweel

Higher Education in Times of Crisis and Conflict

The Role of Universities in Peacebuilding and Social Cohesion in the Pre-Conflict Resolution Phase: Al-Sham University in Northwest Syria as a Model
Mohamad Mohamad Omar Bukaei, Yasser AlHusien
The Impact of Wars on Education and Peace- building in Iraq: Causes and Repercussions
Tareq Mohammed Al Taie

Education and Inclusion

Violence in Curriculum Programs: History and Islamic Education in Kurdistan Region School Textbooks
Paiman Zorab Azeez
برامج تعليمية مبتكرة كأداة إعادة دمج الأطفال من المخيمات: مخيم الجدعة1 كدراسة
khairullah sabhan Abdullah, khairullah Sabhan Abdullah
Violence in Schools and its Implications for Socio-Economically Disadvantaged Students: The Role of Community Actors in Promoting an Inclusive Education
Innocent Uche Anazia

Women’s and Girls’ Education through a Social Justice Lens

Stories of Women Displaced by ISIS: A Social Justice Perspective on the Educational Experiences of Young Women in Iraq
Jumana Al-Waeli

Equitable pedagogies and contextually relevant praxis

The role of teachers in developing the principles of peaceful coexistence in high schools in Koya
Basida Haider Anwar

Education, Peace and Equity Conferences are Open Access Conferences organized by Koya University incooperation with other Universities and Organizations.© 2024, Koya University is a public University accredited by the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research - KRG - Iraq, Association of Arab Universities and International Association of Universities.